Professor Child has been writing medicolegal reports for 19 years and has attended training in the form of report writing workshops and legal conferences.
He receives instructions from both Claimant and Defendant law firms (50/50 ratio) for personal injury and clinical negligence cases and completes around 40 reports per year. Professor Child is a member of the Oxford Medical and Legal Society.
His main subject areas for Instruction are:
Female and Male Infertility, IVF, Surrogacy, Miscarriage, Asherman’s Syndrome, Pelvic pain, Endometriosis, Fibroids, Ovarian cysts, Menopause, PCOS, Reproductive Endocrinology
In-person Claimant meetings are undertaken at Nuffield Manor Hospital, Oxford. However, video consultations are usually possible instead.
Professor Child's hourly rate is £300 and reports can be completed within 6 weeks of receiving the bundle.
Professional Indemnity: Medical Protection 233869
Information Commissioner's Office: ZB614161
Contact: OxfordMedicoLegal@outlook.com